Teatrul de Stat

The Short Play Theatre Festival

Ediția 2010

Trupa "Iosif Vulcan"

Stagiunea 2010-2011


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Programul săptămânii

Luni, 7 noiembrie, ora 18.00 – Sala Mare
„MAITREYI”, de Mircea Eliade, regia artistică Chris Simion

Marţi, 8 noiembrie, ora 11.00 – Sala Arcadia
„O POVESTE CU CÂNTEC”adaptare liberă după I. Creangă, de Ecaterina Mihăescu Păun,
regia artistică Mihai Păun

Marţi, 8 noiembrie, ora 19.00 – Sala Mare
„BILOXI BLUES”, de Neil Simon, regia artistică Ovidiu Caiţa

Miercuri, 9 noiembrie, ora 11.00 – Sala Arcadia
„CHEIŢA DE AUR”, de Alexei Tolstoi, regia artistică Igor Lungu

Duminică, 13 noiembrie, ora 19.00 – Teatrul de operetă „Ion Dacian”
Participare la Festivalul Internaţional al Artelor Spectacolului „Viaţa e frumoasă” - Bucureşti
„SCRIPCARUL PE ACOPERIŞ”, de Joeph Stein şi Jerry Bock,
regia artistică Korcsmáros Győrgy

Rezervări bilete


Ce părere aveţi despre teatrul în spaţii neconvenţionale?

Programul casei de bilete

Marţi - Sâmbătă: 10-13 şi 17-19
Duminică: 17-19
Luni: închis

Telefoane: 0259-440 742
Description of the festival
Festivalul teatrului scurt
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The international festival The Week of Short Play Theatre aims at promoting the short play and the one-act performance in all its forms: reading show, poetry recital, studio performance, experimental or repertory theatre.
The festival takes place every two years, in October. During its fifteen editions, the festival included memorable shows belonging to national and to foreign companies from Hungary, Italy, France, Japan, Czech Republic, Croatia and Moldavia. Some of the best known contemporary writers, directors, actors, and critics were welcomed in Oradea and won the special attention of the public and of the organizers.
Among the prestigious stage directors who marked the evolution of the festival are Alexandru Tocilescu, Alexandru Dabija, Tompa Gábor, Alexandru Darie, Victor Ioan Frunză, Mihai Mălaimare, Petru Vutcărău, and Ion Sapdaru.
For the future, our purpose is to bring together in Oradea famous personalities of Romanian and international theatre, actors, directors, playwrights, trying to offer to the public worthy performances from the repertories of the state theatres, but also belonging to the ever more attractive repertories of independent theatre companies. We hope to preserve intact the spectators’ interest for the short play.
We kindly and warmly invite you to our next editions of the festival The Week of Short Play Theatre.


Clich here to see some pictures form the 15th edition.

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